For whatever reason, when we bought our house, the ancient, chipped address sign was awkwardly leaning against a bedroom window, barely visible, even in the sunlight.
Between installing a new water heater, and painting the hallway, purchasing a new address sign was not a high priority of mine. Unfortunately, the lack of signage was so bad that delivery people were commenting on how they weren't sure what house was ours. Oops.
Since our house has stone veneer siding, I'm a little daunted by the idea of drilling holes in order to hand an address sign. That would require purchasing some new tools and permanently damaging the exterior. There are no previous holes, which makes me wonder what the previous owners did to display the house numbers in an attractive way.
In my search, I stumbled upon two alternatives to hanging house number on the siding.
- A Marker Post
I've started to eye up marker posts, as they would look lovely in a garden, require no drilling to hang on a stone facade like ours, and are movable. I particularly like the no-dig, numbers-included, durable vinyl ones at Addresses of Distinction. At $44.99, you can probably build your own, but my concerns with a hand-painted, wooden post is that they're not rot-resistant or as durable as vinyl. Over time, the extra money for a vinyl marker may be worth the lifespan of the product.
To really make one of these posts stand out, try topping it with a solar-powered LED post cap light, and framing out out with a post skirt if the base will be visible. Doing this can take your post from simple, to statement piece.

I will say that the Classy Caps brand solar light was worth paying extra for. I originally ordered a different, cheaper solar post cap for about $15, which didn't end up fitting a vinyl post. The color was also off, and the cap, overall, looked too small and cheap. The Classy Cap stays lit up for the entire night, letting off a nice amount of light.
Yes, there are solar lights hidden in this post cap! |
- Number Decals
If our mailbox wasn't hidden on the side of our house, it would be my primary way to display our house number. Before I decided on whether the marker post would be the best option for our home, I applied number decals to our mostly-hidden mailbox.
I found the decals to be attractive, inexpensive, and easy to customize for different style preferences and mailbox types.